- Cabins/Huts are available by reservation only – no day use is permitted.
- Overnight parties pay for and have the exclusive use of the Huts.
- Use by commercial operators including guides and forest contractors is not permitted.
- If you arrive at a hut before 2:00 pm, put your belongings where they will not disturb the previous night’s occupants.
- Out-going guests should also have their belongings packed and ready to go and all cabin cleaning chores done by 2:00 pm.
Fire & Safety
- Outside fires are not allowed, the wood is flown in at great expense! Gather your own firewood for any outside fires.
- Be very frugal with firewood – re-supply is costly.
- Wood stoves are not to be used solely for cooking; propane and/or gas stoves are provided for this purpose.
- Change propane canisters outside to avoid a fire or explosion.
- No wood stove use between June 1 and September 15.
- These facilities are user-maintained. Please leave the hut “better than you found it”.
- Follow posted instructions for care and maintenance of facility
- Empty all water containers and slop buckets before leaving the hut.
- Sweep the floor and wipe down the table and counter.
- Ensure kindling is split and the wood box is full for the next guests.
- Do not do personal washing in cooking pots or in nearby streams – use wash basins and slop pits (where provided).
- Dogs are welcome in the huts. It is preferable that they do not use the same sleeping pads as future two-legged guests. In most cabins you will find old foam pads under the beds for their comfort.
On Departure
- Take out ALL extra food and garbage ( they encourage rodents). Others will generally not use food left at a hut as they have no idea how long it has been there.
- Plan for the removal of food caches left for ski traverses even if you don’t make it there. Most parties never make the pickup!
- Make sure the door is securely closed upon leaving.
- Registered overnight users are requested to note the dates of their visit, group size and observations in the registration book.
- Please email CVHS of any damage to or problems with the hut, the outhouse, or any of the items supplied for guest use.