For those seeking transportation to the Huts or the trailhead, here is some information to aid your trip planning:

Glacier Helicopters  Invermere  Contact Greg:   (250) 341-7164  (cel)

Jumbo Hut delivery or pickup from Invermere airport: approx $1750. Additional loads from Toby/Jumbo confluence parking lot – add $500.   Olive Hut delivery or pickup $1200 – $1400 depending on weather.
They have an AStar and/or Jet Ranger based in Invermere.

Whitetooth Heli  8Km south of Parson     Contact       (250) 344-1135  (cel)

Dirk operates an A Star with seats and ski basket for 4. His Kingsbury or McMurdo pricing is a straight per person basis of $420 each, round trip. ie delivery and later pickup included. Minimum group size 3. He can also do Jumbo Hut trips for $2000, or $1250 to Olive or Dave White Huts from his pad – 8km south of Parson. That cost is each trip in or out, not round trip.

Alpine Helicopters  Golden  Contact       (250) 344-7444

Kingsbury or McMurdo delivery or pickup from Golden airport: approx $915 each way, dovetail flights with the prior or following party can halve the cost.   Lifting from McMurdo Cabin to Kingsbury (works well to ski out to McMurdo in stable spring conditions and continue by sled. *Requires strong route finding skills) approximately the same cost.

Their Bell 407 can carry 6 adults maximum with just modest winter gear, with skis and groceries to these lower landing sites, 5 persons if travelling heavy. *Pack gear in many smaller weatherproof bags for loading in the ski box is much preferred to a few bulky full sized packs. *Saturdays, also Sundays in winter are very busy for them! Improve your odds of getting to/from the Hut on time by avoiding weekend flights where possible.

*Note that your out-flight pickup time may vary widely due to variable winter weather and changing heli schedules. Satellite communication is strongly recommended to get updated ETA’s. Otherwise be ready to go very early!

A budget option is to be towed by snowmobile to the trailhead, then ski tour up. Ted Eugene has been doing this for many years. Ted needs as much notice as possible, preferably 2 weeks. He will tow up to six and gear to any of the Hut Trailheads except Kingsbury & McMurdo. $125 per person each way, minimum $600.
Contact: Ted Eugene – Windermere (250) 341-1323  (cel)