Folks we enjoy a long history of cooperation between RK Heli and the local ski tourers. This has started to erode in the Jumbo drainage due to day touring on their regularly used, managed & gladed runs. Please seek out touring opportunities other than their regular runs, it jeopardizes the relationship with CVHS which took decades to establish. Here’s a open letter from Graham their GM:
As most Hut visitors know, once you leave the highway the backcountry roads accessing the trail heads are built, maintained and used regularly by logging complanies. In our area Canfor Forest Products is the principle Forest licencee. Although these Forest Service Roads are not legally “Radio Controlled” but rather “Radio Assisted”, the use of VHF radios is strongly recommended for all users, particularly on weekdays on active logging roads. Drive cautiously and expect the unexpected. Be prepared to use the […]
Folks; we’re having continued problems with the Coleman stove connector part (‘elbows’) in the Huts. The threads in the soft aluminum female threads get easily stripped by the hard steel male threads on the canisters. This can render the stove useless, or worse cause a propane fire in the Hut! Its come to our attention that inconsistent manufacturing may be partially at fault and want to share what we know with you. !Avoid buying canisters/tanks that have slightly longer unthreaded […]
Although FS roads are not legally radio controlled, the use of VHF radios is recommended for all users, particularly during the week on active logging roads. The channel and frequency is posted at the beginning of most roads. Review a District map Here: RR1 150.080 MHz RR2 150.110 MHz RR3 150.140 MHz RR4 150.185 MHz RR8 150.320 MHz