

As most Hut visitors know, once you leave the highway the backcountry roads accessing the trail heads are built, maintained and used regularly by logging complanies. In our area Canfor Forest Products is the principle Forest licencee.  Although these Forest Service Roads are not legally “Radio Controlled” but rather “Radio Assisted”, the use of VHF radios is strongly recommended for all users, particularly on weekdays on active logging roads. Drive cautiously and expect the unexpected. Be prepared to use the pullouts provided to allow loaded traffic the right of way. Be prepared to use the ditch where no pullout exists.

Dave White & Olive Hut Access – Forster Creek:  Winter harvesting will continue weekdays  until at least March 2017:

  • Road users should strongly consider monitoring the new RR4 radio freq. 150.185 MHz  and call your kilometers UP and DOWN.
  • Parking lot is at the 27.7 km with an outhouse.
  • Ploughing not done on Saturdays but possible on Sundays early am if new snow requires it for Monday hauling.
  • *VHF handheld radios are not the expensive, elite piece of gear they once were.   Here’s an inexpensive starter model

McMurdo Cabin – Spillimacheen Main and Spilli North branch: Winter harvesting will continue weekdays into January 2017 unless unusually heavy snow precludes operations:

  • Road users should strongly consider monitoring the new RR3 radio freq. 150.140 MHz and call your kilometers UP and DOWN.
  • Parking lot is at the ~24 km.
  • Ploughing not done on Saturdays but possible on Sundays if new snow requires it for Monday hauling.
  • *VHF handheld radios are not the expensive, elite piece of gear they once were.   Here’s an inexpensive starter model